Mark Zuckerberg and his wife were held hostage in their own home and robbed of diamonds, cash, furs, and jewelry. Zuckerberg suffered bruises after being pistol-whipped and slapped in his mansion. The entire pseudo incident took place in a new Hiphop song by Boston rapper MC Spice The Legend, frustrated with Facebook's intentional removal of "posts made to educate and enlighten Black people. Say something that uplift the Black community, and they will put you in 'facebook jail' from 24 hours to 30 days" says the veteran rapper about what he calls Facebook's white-washing of Black media.
MC Spice The Legend is not alone. Millions of Black facebook users have voiced their concerns with facebook's removal of posts that say 'white people' or 'the white man is the devil'. Stacey Grant of Norfolk, Virginia expressed her anger in a telephone interview, "they [facebook] will let the shithead president say whatever he wants. And any white person who thinks and acts like him, facebook gives the white man a pass."
Read through most of the new facebook posts on 'woke' Black people's pages and you can clearly see that they've opted to replace the words 'white people' with 'whipepo', 'whypeepo', 'whyte people'. On the flip side, a simple search of the word n*gger and you will find pages of white fb users expressing their disdain for Black people. The double standard is clearly evident.
"Whiteys get a pass. Always have. If I had it my way, I will walk right up to Suckerberg's house and ask him to give me everything he got. Matter fact, give me the keys to the house, all your cars, and your safe deposit box, punk b***h!" the rapper exclaimed.
The movement to disconnect from the uncle toms and auntie mamies of the news and entertainment industry is in full force. Black people are no longer following Oprah like they used to. She has long been called a 'house negro', along with her friend Gayle King (whom many have linked as Oprah's love interest).
Mark Zuckerberg's ransom is expressed in detail in the parody song of the event. MC Spice The Legend feels a lot of Black facebook users feel the same.
Listen to the full song, available everywhere Friday, February 21, 2020.
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